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    Staying Compliant, Protecting Our Environment: Your Waste Management Duties

    At BSH Recycling, we take environmental responsibility seriously. That’s why we want to ensure you’re aware of key waste management regulations.

    What is the Duty of Care?

    The duty of care is a legal requirement for businesses to manage their waste responsibly, from the moment it’s produced to its final disposal. This ensures waste doesn’t harm human health or the environment.

    How Does This Affect You?

    To comply with the duty of care and partner with us for waste disposal, we need your help with a few things:

    1. Classifying Your Waste: Understanding what type of waste you have is crucial. We recommend this helpful government resource to guide you: Waste classification technical guidance WM3

    2. Waste Transfer Notes (WTNs): If you dispose of waste at our transfer stations (Bourne or Peterborough), please complete a WTN for each transaction. This form documents the type and amount of waste being transferred. You can find a blank WTN here: LIT_7932.pdf Important: Bring the completed WTN with your waste for disposal.

    Working Together for a Sustainable Future

    By working together, we can ensure responsible waste management and contribute to a cleaner environment. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We appreciate your continued support.


    BSH New sorting shed